I have enjoyed many Max Lucado books, but I have to admit I am not a Max Lucado die-hard fan. For me many of his books began to run together and sound the same. I say that to tell you how much I loved Fearless by Max Lucado. I could not put the book down. Fear is something I struggle with, you name it I am sure I had some fear over it.
God makes it clear that if we as Christians are going to live a life of faith, we need to trust and step out into the unknown. Unfortunately to do that you need to turn over your fears and allow God to work through you. Satan likes to prey on our fears while making things seem impossible, even to God. In this well written, powerful book Max tackles fears all of us struggle with. Several of the topics covered are:
Fear of not mattering.
Fear of disappointing God.
Fear of not protecting my kids.
Fear of violence.
Fear of death.
Fear that God may not be real.
Fear of coming out of my box.
One of my favorite quotes in the book is when Max is retelling the story of the disciples out in a boat in rocky seas. Through this bible story we are reminded God is always with us, but it is not always easy sailing. “Getting on board with Christ can mean getting soaked with Christ. Disciples can expect rough seas and stout winds.” Life may toss you around, but in the end you don’t go under. What a powerful image of the Christian walk!
Powerful stories and parables woven through out this book made the powerful God lessons dance off the page. This book is a book that offers encouragement, healing, and strength in dealing with the cancer of fear. If you are living your Christian walk out of your comfort zone, this is the perfect book to have on your bookshelf to read yearly.
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